Thursday 29 November 2012

Haypi Kingdom Battle Types

1.Pin Attacks:
Best when performed by an alternate account with no speed upgrades. 1 unit (preferably a catapult) is sent to attack from several hours away. The idea is to attack from as far away as possible. The purpose of this attack is to prevent the target from teleporting their city. Additionally, they are prevented from selling their resources on the market. But since the new update this is harder to imply. They may donate their resources to the alliance to keep you from getting them.

  • Farming:

To hit a city in the same vain you would a fort…simply to plunder resources. It's important to note,if the resource levels are uneven, you will plunder whichever resource type is greatest, until all resources are of equal amount, down to the cranny level limit.

  • Prestige Hit:

The most common type of attack, the target being a city that has troops present. Prestige is gained as follows: Infantry 1 prestige/ Archers 2 prestige/ Cavalry 4 prestige/ Catapults 10 prestige. The total value will be modified by the amount of troops you lose, and the level difference of you and your target.

  • Cropping:

After taking all crop oases a general occupies, this attack is used to plunder crop and reduce the cranny stores as low as you can to hasten the starvation process. When the crop level in the city reaches zero, troops ordered to hunt will return home and begin to die off until there is no crop deficit.

  • City Sack:

This attack is usually a coordinated effort between two generals to steal an enemies city. Each successful attack lowers the city loyalty by 10. When loyalty reaches 0, the city is occupied by the attacking general. Loyalty refreshes at a rate of 10/hour. It is possible to reduce a cities loyalty to 0 by oneself, but there is a very small window of attack for this maneuver.

2.Scout Attack:
In this attack you send a cav to the city. Used to see city wall armaments and possibly enemy troop speed and range. One way is to simply pause the scout unit and wait until the battle is over to read the report, or if speed is a necessity, the unit may charge the enemy wall, and you will lose prestige for that unit.

3.Stacked Attack:
This occurs when simultaneous attacks are launched against a single target by 1 or more generals. Each attack is queued 10 minutes apart. This is a useful tactic for taking a city from afar, but can slow the process down considerably when taking a city at close range.

4.Hidden Attacks:
There are two types of hidden attacks and as of now, there is no way to discern their probability of occurring, though it is directly related to the level of your Hidden Attack skill. Both types of hidden attack will be absent from the main screen, and will not prompt a push notification to the target. They can only be seen from the Actions tab and they will appear there faded. The second type is identical to the first type except that all troop types and counts will be represented by “???”. This is known as a Unknown Hidden Attack, and is beneficial in that the target does not know what to expect.

5.Jump(teleport) Attack:
This attack is used for max speed and efficiency in killing your target or taking a city. Gold coins are used to teleport your city to as close as possible to the target, giving the minimum attack time possible for your status. Jump attacks cost 20 gold coins for a branch city, and 40 gold coins for your main city. Please note that when using this type of attack, it is wise to have coins to cover an escape route to safe cords if need be.

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